Micro Market Case Study: Saving Costs Without Disrupting Needs
The Challenge
Our client’s plans to install a company cafeteria were put on hold by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, they needed an alternate option that:
- Served the wide demographic range of their employees
- Offered fresh food and prepared meal options beyond traditional vending
- Was not as capital-heavy as a cafeteria buildout
- Could be installed quickly without disrupting their work
We stepped in to meet their needs with a custom micro market.
The Solution
We worked with our client to install a sizeable micro market personalized to their needs. Their existing facility had nice cabinetry and brick archways, so we helped them include these features in a custom buildout with a modern, matte black finish.
While installing our client’s micro market, we also discovered a need for office coffee services. We added bean-to-cup machines to fuel their team with environmentally friendly, barista-quality brews. As the weather heats up, we will help them add cold brew to their employee offerings.
The Results
Instead of paying for a pricey cafeteria buildout, attendants, and more, our client now has:
- A secure self-checkout marketplace stocked with sandwiches, salads, and other fresh foods in addition to the usual snacks and drinks
- Easy, fast, onsite meals and refreshments during the workday
- More efficient breaks and motivated employees
- White-glove service and live inventory reporting
As an employee perk, our client provides $8 of non-accruing micro market funds per day to every employee. This choice encourages team community, in-house loyalty, and happiness. The benefits offered by their new micro market are priceless.